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Use ChatGPT to land a job

Updated: Mar 3

Use these ChatGPT prompts if you want to land a job ASAP!

Resume: "[Share your resume] Review my current resume and suggest improvements to ensure it is error-free, precise, and effectively communicates my skill, expertise, and experience. Provide feedback on the structure, including formatting and layout, and avoid any kind of personal opinions or preferences or biases."

Cover letters: "I am applying for a [Target Role] at [Company Name], and I would like your help writing a personalized cover letter. The job posting requires experience in [Field Of Experience, Ex: Java, Python]. Please also make sure to include a professional and confident tone, and emphasize how I can contribute to the company's success. "

LinkedIn profile headline: I work in [Your industry] as a [Your Role]. Can you help me in creating a headline that will catch the interest of recruiters and possible employers?

Interview Questions: I am applying for the [Your Role], and currently, I am in the coding round of the interview. The project I am being interviewed for uses [Give Programming Languages Like Java, Python, etc]. Ask me questions related to the project and evaluate my solution.

Please do not forget to add a human and personalized touch for every stage of your process.

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